Case Studies

We work with clients across the globe to unlock the full potential of trusted relationships, tacit knowledge, human collaboration, highly intuitive user interfaces, and advanced automation. Our trusted advisors bring together the knowledge across your organisation needed to create elegant and reliable solutions and services which delight your customers.

The following are examples of the value that we co-create together with our clients.

Europe & Americas

Global Bank

Risk reduction; methodological and architectural guidance for high priority transformation projects. Identifying root causes of high maintenance costs and long delivery schedules.

Manufacturing and Logistics sectors

Adoption of lean manufacturing techniques and implementation of highly automated logistics systems.

Start-up car insurance and life insurance business

Enabling a start-up direct marketing insurance company to go live on schedule with working software systems for direct telephone marketing, premium calculation, quotation, policy management, and claims processing – within a fixed 18-month time frame.

Insurance company – life insurance and superannuation

Simplifying the artefacts used within the organisation and the electronic forms used by customers and business partners. Analysing the product design process to radically simplify the specification of insurance premium calculations, improve quality and reduce product maintenance costs.

Postal automation system vendor

Development of a report specification and design tool for a software product line for postal automation systems, with a focus on real-time statistics gathered by the equipment in mail sorting centres.

Tier-1 software vendor

Transforming and rationalising a product portfolio of timekeeping and billing software that had grown through mergers and acquisitions.

Issuer of structured financial products

Elimination of the manual effort involved in collecting and combining sales credit data from spreadsheets into a master spreadsheet, and introducing role based access control, auditing, and an approval workflow.

The Economist Group

Domain analysis and domain engineering to increase the level of agility in online project delivery.

Australia & Asia

New Zealand

Global Distribution of Perishable Goods

Development of a framework for quality assurance and end user acceptance testing. Overall risk management, quality assurance, and test management. Moving SAP solutions and related infrastructure into a Microsoft Azure cloud environment without impacting business operations – the first solution of this kind in Australasia.

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Development and roll-out of one of the largest Australasian implementations of the ITIL standard for change and incident management.

National high voltage electricity grid operator

Analysis of business processes and systems used to manage grid assets, and which support regular pricing methodology changes. Identifying opportunities for improvement, and designing a solution to streamline pricing methodology changes.

Tier-1 software vendor

Transforming and rationalising a product portfolio of timekeeping and billing software that had grown through mergers and acquisitions.

Livestock Improvement Corporation

Progressing software prototypes to commercial software products that are ready for production use by customers. Minimising the risks of transitioning from agile prototyping to lean software product line engineering.

Livestock Improvement Corporation

Advising a company with the world's largest bovine genetics database on enterprise architecture and business process management. Providing guidance on best practices for software development process, agile project management, and requirements engineering.

E-health solutions vendor

Integrating a Computerised Physician Order Entry (CPOE) system with other healthcare systems, to enable seamless ordering of medications and diagnostic tests in a hospital setting, and to significantly reduce medical errors and costs.
