
Innovation & New Product Development

Our methodology helps organisations to innovate and make significantly better decisions:

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Enterprise Software as a Service

We enable people and software systems to interact in the simplest possible way:

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Operational Excellence

We facilitate order of magnitude improvements by reducing complexity and catalysing transformation:

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Example Case Study


National Standards Organisation, Australia


Federal and State Government Health Departments, Healthcare IT vendors


Improve speed and accuracy of a requirements to health informatics standard and reference software implementation publication process.



Keith Duddy and Joerg Kiegeland engaged in a series of projects involving analysis, prototyping, reporting, and deployment of open source solutions adapted to purpose.

  • Several text-only correspondences between requirements, clinical-focussed models and implementation-focussed models, and hand-written software were complemented by formal model transformations and traceability correlations.
  • The resulting model-based tooling revealed possible gaps between requirements, specifications and software which previously needed days or weeks of expert testing and clinical safety analysis using text-only artefacts.
  • Many critical flaws in open source tooling were corrected and contributed back to the international health informatics standards community.
  • Code generation from models resulted in automated ("press button") health record validation suites which previously took small teams weeks of work.
  • S23M was able to reveal the power of automatically generated traces between models using formal model transformations, merged with human-documented correspondences. A demonstration SaaS tool showed appropriate role-based views of the end-to-end process to management, business analysts, clinical safety experts, information modellers and specifiers, and software developers.
