Operational Excellence

Our Value Proposition

Goal Services
Avoid costly misunderstandings Taxonomy development:
  • Development of domain-specific glossaries
  • Identification of commonalities and variabilities
  • Removal of barriers to cross-disciplinary collaboration
Prevent growth of legacy risks Legacy replacement risk management:
  • Collaboration with legacy technology experts to preserve and recover critical tacit knowledge
  • Incremental validation and deployment of new solutions
  • Confirmation that legacy is fully decommissioned, and is not operated in parallel indefinitely
Eliminate duplication Rationalisation of system portfolio:
  • Systematic analysis of commonalities and variabilities across internal systems
  • Identification of risks and duplication of functionality
  • Development of a system integration road map
Maximise the level of automation in operations System integration strategy:
  • Identification of relevant domain experts
  • Definition of key implementation milestones
  • Development of a risk management plan
  • Identification of appropriate technology for system integration
  • Structuring the system integration team
Detect mistakes at the earliest possible point in time Data quality assurance:
  • Analysis of data quality and metadata quality
  • Review of data capture and information management practices
  • Root cause analysis of incomplete or incorrect data sets

Example Case Study


Global insurance company – life insurance and superannuation products


CIO, Chief Architect, and VP Software Development


Simplifying the artefacts that constitute the workflows within the organisation, including the electronic forms used by customers and business partners.

Legacy software replacement – analysing the product design process, with the objective of radically simplifying the specification of insurance premium calculations, as well as improving quality and reducing product maintenance costs.

