Organisational Change

Our Value Proposition

Goal Services
Avoid post-merger surprises Technical due diligence:
  • Assessment of organisation structures, product line management processes, and solution delivery capabilities
  • Definition of target organisation structures, target product line structures, and target solution delivery capabilities
Benefit from economies of scope and scale Supply chain optimisation:
  • Analysis of performance metrics and service level agreements
  • Identification of the unique collaborative edge of the organisation
  • Optimisation of end-to-end service delivery
  • Smart integration of software intensive-systems
Eliminate duplication of services and functionality Rationalisation of services and functionality:
  • Systematic analysis of commonalities and variabilities across markets and product lines
  • Identification of risks and new product opportunities
  • Development of a Merger and Acquisition execution road map
  • Rationalisation of existing product portfolios

Example Case Study


Global tier-1 software vendor


CEO and Global Executive Team


Transforming and rationalising a product portfolio of timekeeping and billing software that had grown through mergers and acquisitions.

