Auckland AI and Machine Learning Meetup

In June 2018, Jorn Bettin gave a talk at the Auckland AI and Machine Learning Meetup entitled "From artificially intelligent systems towards real thinking tools and human scale models that improve both human and machine learning".

In an increasingly software and data-intensive human world, the objective of human-scale computing is to improve filtering, collaboration, thinking, and learning:

  1. between humans,
  2. between humans and software systems,
  3. and between software systems.

The slides for Jorn's presentation are below:

Jorn's presentation illustrates how S23M's transdisciplinary methodology can assist organisations in making better strategic decisions based on a deeper understanding of the forces that are continuously changing the environment:

  • How to distinguish worthwhile product/service ideas from ideas that only lead to further busyness without creating any lasting value
  • How to create and economically operate product lines that create genuine value for the organisation and for its customers
The talk given at Product Tank Auckland in July 2018 offers a complementary perspective on the above.
