From busyness to value creation

In May 2018, Jorn Bettin gave a seminar on culture and value creation to audiences in Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga and Christchurch as part of Techweek 2018. The seminar was entitled From the busyness of innovation to the creation of lasting value.

Challenges that go beyond the established framework of research in industry, government and academia

The healthcare sector, the primary industries, and related technological innovators are key pillars of New Zealand's economy. However, in most cases, breakthrough innovation is the result of intensive interdisciplinary research and development, often drawing on insights from disciplines that may lie beyond the focus of attention and the capabilities of a particular organisation, faculty, or government initiative.

Whilst exponential improvements in communication have transformed our economy, they have also put into sharp focus the limits of the ability of organisational cultures to adapt to new contexts. Our cognitive limits prevent us from better understanding the full implications of all our actions.

It is time to stop confusing innovation with entertaining stories, and to shift from a culture of sick busyness to an appreciation of the value of life.

Corresponding webinar – part 1

  1. Assessment of our current culture
  2. Why did we end up creating this culture?
  3. The foundations of our "high tech" civilisation
  4. What can we do?

Corresponding webinar – part 2

  1. Creation of lasting value
  2. Competency networks
  3. It sounds good in theory, but it can’t work, or can it?
  4. Be good to the world


  1. Paul Babiak and Robert Hare, Snakes in suits: When psychopaths go to work, 2006
  2. Susan Long, The perverse organisation and its deadly sins, 2008
  3. Susan Long, Socioanalytic methods – Discovering the hidden in organisations and social systems, 2013
  4. The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures (explanatory video)
  5. The Stanford prison experiment (explanatory video)
  6. The Asch conformity experiments (explanatory video)
  7. David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, 2018 (video)
  8. Douglas Rushkoff, Throwing rocks at the Google bus, 2016 (video)
  9. Penny Spigins et al. Are there alternative adaptive strategies to human pro-sociality? The role of collaborative morality in the emergence of personality variation and autistic traits, 2016
  10. George Soros, Fallibility, reflexivity, and the human uncertainty principle, 2014
  11. Samuel Bowles, The origins and future of economic inequality, 2016
  12. W Edwards Deming, Out of the crisis, 1982 (video)
  13. W Edwards Deming, The new economics for industry, government, education, 1991
  14. Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, A cooperative species: Human reciprocity and its evolution, 2011
  15. Joseph Tainter, The collapse of complex societies, 1990 (video)
  16. Chimamanda Adichie, The danger of a single story, 2009 (video)
  17. Ted Nelson's computer paradigm, expressed as one-liners, 1974 - 1999
  18. Robert Kegan, Lisa Laskow Lahey, Immunity to change – How to overcome and unlock the potential in yourself and your organisation, 2009
  19. Kevlin Henney, Old is the new new, 2018 (video)
  20. John Baez, Applied category theory, 2018
  21. Gary Marcus, Ernest Davis, AI is harder than you think, 2018
  22. Jorn Bettin, Are you a model builder or a story teller?, 2017
  23. Judy Singer, Neurodiversity, the birth of an idea, 1998
  24. Jorn Bettin, Neurodiversity – the core of creativity, 2017
  25. Kirkpatrick Sale, Human scale revisited, 2017
  26. Takeuchi, Nonaka, The new product development game, 1986
  27. Nonaka, Toyama, Hirata, Managing Flow: A process theory of the knowledge-based firm, 2008
  28. Gilles Fauconnier, Mark Turner, The way we think: conceptual blending and the mind’s hidden complexities, 2002
  29. KISS initiative, Design principles for domain specific modelling languages, 2009
  30. Marianna Mazzucato, The entrepreneurial state, 2013 (video)
  31. Frederick Laloux, Reinventing organizations, 2014 (video)
  32. Alison Reynolds, David Lewis, Teams solve problems faster when they’re more cognitively diverse, 2017
  33. Alison Reynolds, David Lewis, The two traits of the best problem-solving teams, 2018
  34. Jorn Bettin, What society can learn from autistic culture, 2018
  35. Jorn Bettin, Autistic cognition decoded for earthlings, 2018
  36. Star Ford, A field guide to earthlings, 2010
  37. S23M, The human lens, 2017
  38. Conference on Interdisciplinary Innovation and Collaboration, 2015 - present
  39. A. Pluchino et al., Talent vs luck: the role of randomness in success and failure, 2018
  40. Marianna Mazzucato, The value of everything, making and taking in the global economy, 2018 (video)