Designing tools for the next 200 years

Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, Germany, 13-15 September 2017

"The Cultural Evolution Society supports evolutionary approaches to culture in humans and other animals. The society welcomes all who share this fundamental interest, including in the pursuit of basic research, teaching, or applied work. We are committed to fostering an integrative interdisciplinary community spanning traditional academic boundaries from across the social, psychological, and biological sciences, and including archaeology, computer science, economics, history, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy and religious studies. We also welcome practitioners from applied fields such as medicine and public health, psychiatry, community development, international relations, the agricultural sciences, and the sciences of past and present environmental change".

Designing filtering, collaboration, thinking, and learning tools for the next 200 years

Jorn Bettin and Xaver Wiesmann presented the following poster at the conference:

View the corresponding slides (4.5 MB)

Related work

Links to related work are included below.

Thinking tools which compensate for human cognitive limits

Contemporary ideologies

Human social behaviour

Formal conceptual modelling

Evolution of codes and languages
